National School Lunch Program

Johnsburg School District 12 will be processing all applications for the National School Lunch Program (free and reduced meals) via Skyward Family Access.  To submit an application for the program, please follow the steps listed below:


1.  Navigate to your web browser to,

2.  Parents dropdown Skyward Family Access.

3.  Enter your User ID and Password and select the Sign In Button.

4.  Once logged in, select one of your students from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen (you cannot select All Students for this process).


5.  Select the Food Service link from the left navigation menu.

6.  Click the word Applications, located towards the top of the window.

Applications screenshot

7.  Another dialog will appear.  Click the Add Application link.


8.  Follow the prompts as presented on the digital form.  Be sure to click the Next Button at the top of the window to complete all of the necessary sections of the form.  Once completed, click the Review and Submit button.

9.  All food service applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  You will be notified by the US Mail regarding the determination of your application.

If you have any questions, or need assistance in completing the form, please contact Mrs. Anna Wolk at (815) 900-3024, or via email at